Tell students about the maverick companies
Students already know about the famous companies. Tell them about the cool ones that go their own way. In one of my classes I regularly… Read More »Tell students about the maverick companies
Students already know about the famous companies. Tell them about the cool ones that go their own way. In one of my classes I regularly… Read More »Tell students about the maverick companies
Shift left to learn more quickly about your work What follows is a story that repeats itself every academic year in our year-long software engineering… Read More »Teach student teams to shorten their feedback loops
These are life skills they will use forever Student software teams have lots of challenges and they need to talk to each other in order… Read More »Guide students in handling crucial conversations
A team or project canvas can focus the effort of a student team Student teams seem to fall into a variety of categories when they… Read More »Team and Project Canvases Focus Student Collaboration
These collaboration rules will guide your student teams Students always ask me what to do next, or how they should approach a situation in their… Read More »10 Collaboration Rules for Your Software Engineering Student Teams
Teach students to talk so they will listen and hear each other I have a hard time resisting second hand book shops. Happily, my family… Read More »Teach Software Engineering Students to Listen to Each Other